Video Editing

I’ve been editing videos as a hobby for over ten years. I started with Windows Movie Maker and eventually moved on to Corel Video Studio. I now use Canva, Adobe Premiere, and Premiere Rush to create videos for social media. Videos made prior to my professional experience include music videos, parodies, and short skits. Those videos may be found on my defunct YouTube channels.


A reel compiled for the abSketches social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter; Instagram had a separate reel created).

I used video for regular Instagram feed posts to help break up the pattern of static imagery.

This video was created for use as an Instagram Reel in Canva.

During my internship, this video was my long-term project for the brand. I was tasked with creating a short introductory video to be used on social media. I used Canva, Adobe After Effects, and Corel Video Studio to complete the project.

This clip was created with Adobe After Effects for the intro video above.

This is a compilation of Instagram Reels created using sound clips from the Bar Babble podcast with stock video and IG Stories closed caption feature.


Social & Graphic Design

